A bill that seeks to reform the framework for the production and export of medical cannabis was presented to the cabinet on Thursday by Development Minister Adonis Georgiadis.
The bill facilitates the export of medical cannabis products, adhering to the same procedures that apply to generic medicinal products produced in Greece.
For example, under the new proposed export process, a medicinal cannabis product may be marketed in the country where it is imported according to the rules of that country, without the need for its marketing authorization in Greece.
For its circulation in Greece, the existing legal regime remains in force, which provides for the issuance of a special circulation approval by the National Organization of Medicines (EOF) before it is made available to patients.
The objectives of the new regulation are the expansion of exports, the acceleration of export activity, increasing investment interest, reducing bureaucracy, creating new jobs, and economic growth.
It also seeks to ensure the safety and availability of medical cannabis products, under the control of EOF, so as to meet the needs of patients suffering from multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, neuropathic disorders, cancer pain and other ailments.
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