A specialist medicinal cannabis clinic could soon open in Jersey.
The company, Medicann, says it is training several locally-based doctors to specialise in cannabis prescribing. They say the training will cover a broad range of chronic health conditions, including pain.Some islanders are already importing medicinal cannabis from the UK, but say it's a costly and complicated process.James Bedding, who was paralysed from the shoulders down following an accident as a teenager, uses it to control painful spasms.
He had to have a video consultation with a doctor at the UK clinic who then issued a prescription. James then had to apply for a licence to import cannabis from Jersey's Chief Pharmacist.
Once his import licence was approved, the UK company had to apply for an export licence. Jersey's Customs department then had to track and claim GST on the products once they arrived.James now spends up to £1,000 for a three month supply of Bedrocan and Bedica. He thinks an on-island clinic will help more people access the drugs:
I think that's going to bring costs down massively. For example, if you get a prescription you don't need to get three months in one go, you could probably get it weekly or monthly just to bring your costs down.
The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) does not currently recommend the use of medicinal cannabis, so it cannot be prescribed by Jersey's GPs. However, Dr Matt Doyle says there is a role for specialists to explore this area more.
The evidence base for these medicines above existing painkillers, existing drugs that work very well in pain, is quite limited. As far as medicinal cannabis is concerned that may lead to an onward referral to someone with a specialism in pain and I would assume these clinics will be staffed by doctors with a specialist knowledge in pain medicine.
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